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Human, Space, Time and Human
Inkan, gongkan, sikan grigo inkan

Director(s): Kim Ki-dukKR122 min.2018
68%(16 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 18 years of age
LanguagesKorean (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

A group of very different people set sail on an old warship. The passengers include a senator with his son, a newlywed couple, a mysterious old man, a group of prostitutes and a gang of violent criminals. Well-known, controversial director Kim Ki-duk doesn’t waste any time before setting in motion a merciless game between his diverse set of characters. The gang leader takes the helm as the senator’s self-imposed protector. Threats, violence, rape and murder engulf the ship and its defenceless passengers, eventually causing the ship’s social microcosm to uncontrollably disintegrate in the conclusion of this dramatic interpersonal allegory. The story’s protagonists have neither names, nor pasts. For all of them, the imperative is the Here and Now. A chilling parable about humankind’s transformation into beasts. Warning: This film is not suitable for the faint of heart or vegetarians! IMDb trailer
Projection of Human, Space, Time and Human at FEST ANČA 2018
All Around the World
18. Jun
Film was already screened
22. Jun
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change