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Lazy Bloom
Lazy Bloom

Director(s): Robin Artero, Aurore Devichi, Juliette Gueydan, Manon Jumel, Elsa Mandelsaft, Benjamin Mourgues, Sophie Nippert, Elodie TardifFR6 min.2022
70%(2 ratings)
Accessibilitysuitable for all age groups of minors

In a small peaceful world, lives a people of lazy creatures called the Blobs. One day their calm is broken by the birth of Zip, a hyperactive blob. He will try to be accepted despite his difference.

Projection of Lazy Bloom at FEST ANČA 2023
International Competition of Short Animated Films for Children
30. Jun
Film block: International Competition of Short Animated Films for Children
Film was already screened
1. Jul
Film block: International Competition of Short Animated Films for Children
Film was already screened
2. Jul
Film block: International Competition of Short Animated Films for Children
Film was already screened